Thursday, 15 March 2012


Despite being one of the big stops on the Rajestan circuit, Jaipur is rubbish. Well, its rubbish compared to the other cities in the state, which have still managed to keep some atmosphere, while pursuing the relentless push to capitalism that India strives for.

Jaipur though, it full of shopping malls, and at least 2 McDonalds, and lots of traffic, and very little charm.

The reason for my staying was to see the Elephant festival, as well as see some of the historical sites, and I am glad I did visit, but 1 day would have been enough, if it wasn't for the festival being unable to give reliable information - the tourist information said come at midday...nothing happened till 4pm.

I was also couch-surfing here, which was a nice way to meet some locals, as well as save money, and it led to some very interesting experiences. Going for an evening drive with a friend of the couchsurfer, we stopped off at a very expensive restaurant - aimed at rich tourists as it has a nightly 'cultural show' featuring dancing and music. Just had a tea, which was nice, and not overly expensive, and got into talking with one of the other customers, a single Indian guy. I could make this a very long story, and I might when it comes to writing my memoirs. But for this version, I will be brief. This guy paid for dinner, and for lunch and dinner the next two days (he probably spent 1000rs on food for me, which is certainly more than I would have spent, although I did get a very nice apple pie and ice cream)... anyway.... he worked for a jewelry exporter and needed, what amounted to a mule, to get some stuff into Australia and avoid paying tax. I was offered, along with free flights and 3 nights hotels, 7000pounds and the prospect of further work.

Thankfully, I am not that desperate for the money (although it would have been very nice), otherwise the offer would have sounded VVEERRRYYY NIIICCEEE. I declined (after getting all the nice food), and will add the whole experience to the growing list!

Anyway, more about the city. The biggest attraction for me, other than the elephants, was to see the Jantar Mantar. Not that I have any interest in astronomical instruments but the whole place seemed suitably unique, and it was fun to see.. for about 20 minutes.

But the elephants where the main attraction, and I am glad I went to see them. The festival was housed at the polo grounds, still in use, and a very posh place it was too. Got to see lots of elephants, all dressed up and painted, as well as regional dancing and music, although with 90% of the audience being tourists, it was clear to see where the focus of the thing was. It was free though, so I was happy!

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